Kingdoms Player Guide

Welcome to the Kingdoms Player Guide! This comprehensive resource is designed to assist you in navigating the rich and immersive world of MassiveCraft’s Kingdoms plugin. Whether you are a seasoned ruler or a newcomer aspiring to establish your own kingdom, this guide will provide you with essential information and helpful tips to thrive in this realm of medieval conquest and diplomacy.

Joining a Kingdom

To join a Kingdom on MassiveCraft, we recommend asking for an invitation to recruiting Kingdoms in recruitment chat. To type in recruitment chat, type r: followed by your message. For example, type r: Are any Kingdoms willing to recruit me?

/k is the base kingdoms command.
/k list lists all kingdoms.
/k show {kingdom name} shows kingdom information.
/k join {kingdom name} to join a kingdom you have been invited to.
/k leave to leave the kingdom you are in.
/k home teleports you to your kingdom home.
Type K: to talk in your kingdom-only chat.

Creating a Kingdom

Having a Kingdom is an end-game achievement since creating a Kingdom costs 10,000 regals! 

/k create {name} creates a new kingdom with specified name.
/k name {new name} renames your kingdom.
/k desc {description} sets your kingdom description.
/k announce add/list/remove manages your kingdom announcements.
/k sethome sets your kingdom’s home to your current location.
/k unsethome unsets your kingdom’s home.
/k banner set sets your kingdom’s banner to the banner in your hand.
/k mapcolor {color} sets the color factions in your kingdom will appear as on the dynmap.
Type K: to talk in your kingdom-only chat.

Recruiting Factions

Recruit factions to build up your kingdom! A new faction is automatically placed at the lowest rank in your kingdom, with the exception of the faction leader. The leader becomes the Baron rank, and you can promote (or demote) them over time as they gain your trust.

Type R: to talk in Recruitment Chat to advertise your kingdom.
/k invite add {faction name}
invites a faction to your kingdom.
/k invite remove {faction name} revokes an invitation to your kingdom.
/k invite list list invited factions to your faction.
/k kick {faction name} kicks a faction out of your faction.

Kingdom Bank

Each kingdom has a balance of regals (server money) in the kingdom bank. The money commands can be used to check and transfer money in various ways. Certain actions cost money such as sieging a faction. Use /money show to display your personal regal balance.

/k money manage kingdom regals (money).
/k money balance shows kingdom regal balance.
/k money deposit {amount} deposits desired amount of regals to your kingdom.
/k money withdraw {amount} withdraws desired amount of regals from your kingdom (if you have permission).


Your Kingdom’s relations will take priority over your faction’s relations. The default relation between your kingdom and others is neutral. This relation can be changed using the relation commands. The ally and truce relations need to be mutual to take effect. The enemy relation is, however, one-sided. If another kingdom or faction wants to be your enemy, you will be enemies whether you want it or not. You can set custom permission in your kingdom for your allies, truces, and enemies to keep your kingdom secure.

Allies are close friends. You are prevented from PVP against them, and you may speak to them in a special Alliance Chat by typing A: in game.
Truces are friendlies. You are prevented from PVP against them.
Enemies have declared that they are outright hostile to you and are likely to attack.

/k relation set {faction or kingdom name} ally sends an ally relation wish.
/k relation set {faction or kingdom name} truce sends a truce relation wish.
/k relation set {faction or kingdom name} neutral sets a neutral relation. This is one sided.
/k relation set {faction or kingdom name} enemy sets an enemy relation. This is one sided.
/k relation list lists all relations between your kingdom and others.
/k relation wishes lists all relation wishes your kingdom has sent to others.


There are six different kingdom ranks by default. They are: King(10), GrandDuke(8), Duke(6), Count(4), Knight(2), Baron(1), and Citizen(0). The numbers in parenthesis indicate the priority level, and higher priority levels indicate higher ranks. When a new faction joins your faction, the leader is automatically placed at the second lowest priority rank (default Baron), and the others are automatically placed at the lowest rank (default Citizen).

/k rank list lists the ranks, symbols, and priority levels in your kingdom.
/k rank show {player name} shows what rank a player has in their kingdom.
/k rank set {player name} {rank name} sets a player to a rank.

Creating New Ranks

You can create custom ranks with unique symbols and permissions in your faction!

/k rank edit create {rank name} {priority level} {prefix symbol} creates a new rank in your kingdom with desired name, priority, and symbol.
/k rank edit delete {rank name} deletes the specified rank in your kingdom.

You can also edit the name, prefix symbol, and priority level of existing ranks:

/k rank edit name {existing rank name} {new name} renames a rank in your kingdom.
/k rank edit prefix {rank name} {new prefix} changes the prefix symbol of the specified rank. Get creative with your prefix symbols!
/k rank edit priority {rank name} {new priority level} changes the priority level of the specified rank.


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