Tech Compiling

On this page you learn how to compile MassiveCore and Factions.

Create your MassiveCraft Directory

Step one is to create your MassiveCraft code project directory. I.e. ~/Workspace/MassiveCraft

The location of this directory does not matter, you can place it anywhere you like. For simplicity, we suggest you call the directory “MassiveCraft”.

Check out from GitLab

Step two is to check out the projects you’ll be working on. You should check them out into your MassiveCraft workspace directory.

If in doubt, check out Git Usage

On a unix OS the commands could look like this:

You don’t have to use the command line if you don’t want to. Feel free to use any Git client of your choice. (I.e. GitKraken)

Prepare the Gradle Workspace 

Step three is to create a build.gradle.kts and settings.gradle.kts file in your MassiveCraft workspace directory.

To make things easier, you can find examples that you can drop right in here:

As you add other projects to the workspace, you can include these by modifying settings.gradle.kts

Open your Workspace Directory with IntelliJ

You can now open the MassiveCraft Workspace in IntelliJ!

Start the IntelliJ application. In the screenshots below I’m using IntelliJ Ultimate, but the Community edition works just fine.

Select Open, and then find your MassiveCraft folder:

That’s about that. As can be seen above you may now hack away!

Other Noteworthy Stuff

The version numbers must match

The version numbers in all of the sub projects must match.
We use different Birb-Dev/ branches to distinguish different versions.

So it is important to remember to pull all Git repositories at the same time. I always push in such a way that they are the same in the repositories. If you want older versions I recently started tagging the special version commits. You can for example do git checkout Birb-Dev/1.21 as can be seen here:

Is there an official MassiveCraft Maven repository?

Yes! All of our open source plugins should be preconfigured to use this repository.

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