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We handled player investigations & appeals this week, internal audits, and department organization.

  • MonMarty performed individual direction for staff members and server upkeep & maintenance.
  • LumosJared performed individual direction for Lore members.
  • Birdsfoot_violet performed individual direction for Lore members.
  • BillyTheScruffy performed individual direction for PR members.
  • Derpadillo performed individual direction for Quest members.
  • CS_Birb performed individual direction for Tech members and performed server maintenance.
  • QGMK performed individual direction for Game members and hosted Survival Staff meetings.

Here are some updates from this week:

  1. We’ve added glass to the list of blocks we randomize using the world edit service.
  2. As a heads up, if you place several portal traps in wilderness/unclaimed bases, it will probably be considered excessive. A few people have been doing it. We want to get ahead of it before it becomes a huge issue. You can place several portal traps around your claimed base, but we highly recommend not placing portal traps in unclaimed wilderness bases for people to fall prey to. We know it can be frustrating not having an exact number of portal traps allowed in an unclaimed base, which is why we are sending this message out right now.
  3. The Nether has been reset and Deepslate is now widely available!
  4. There is a current issue being worked on involving Elytra flying teleporting you to the ground, making flying very difficult. This is not an issue we are able to fix, but involves a bug in an external plugin. We apologize for the inconvenience, but there is little we can do at the moment. It should be fixed soon.
  5. If you have a player head which does not display the correct skin, player name, or name when right-clicked after placed, fear not. We are now offering a service to fix these heads for the cost of 100 regals per head. Just make a ticket on discord by messaging @Ticket Bot – DM Me!.
    Disclaimer: Not all heads will be able to be fixed.
  • QGMK aided players, made plugin configuration changes, bug tested, worked on the new nether, and handled appeals and reports.
  • NjMcR worked on the new nether.
  • MoistWhenWet aided players, updated and tested MythicMobs, and worked on the new nether.
  • Physicsfrog aided players, answered help chats, and worked on the new nether.
  • skhosh answered help chats, aided players, and investigated players.
  • Rahm_Kota aided players, handled paperwork, investigated players, and worked on the new nether.

This week we focused on server work, while also adjusting and improving department repository. All while posting to social media and researching social media trends.

  • Oblivaify: worked on the restoration of the rift.
  • Femma: Did social media upkeep
  • Ocularum: Recovered past documents and added assets to the PR drive, researched four competitor servers, created headers for multiple forum threads, finalized research into a Social Media Marketing Tool, recorded footage of world staff building, and took event screenshots.
  • seoulmate: did social media and began looking at different TikTok trends.

For week 13 Quest supports Game in writing the quests for the Races Dungeon and 1.17 Mining quest.

  • Derpadillo: 1.17 Mining quest writing.
  • Iyyiushi: Races Dungeon quest writing.

World System Updates:
Change submitted by MonMarty

Got rid of a small blindside in gender/pronoun law for Regalia/for the sake of ease of roleplay because forcing someone who is non-binary to use a gendered term is a type of not-cool that is easily gotten rid of: This thread now has updated title address. For more information, see “Step four” scroll a bit down.

– Added non-binary variants of Untitled Noble, Baron, Count, Marquis, Duke, Grand Duke etc.
– These are Lirh, Lirhship, Countirh, Marqera, Duchet, Grand Duchet etc. Pronunciation help is on the page.
– Knights are now non-gendered “Sera”. This means Sir and Dame are technically no longer lore compliant.
– Empress title is now Imperial Sereneness, but also extends to any consort of the Emperor regardless of gender.
– Foreign Royal title has been swapped from Highness to Majesty. Just easier to contrast with the Imperial family.
– Ambassadors title has been swapped from Eminence to Excellency. Just easier to contrast with Ministers.
– Imperial Holiness made optional for Unionists and Emperor fans, Imperial Highness is acceptable otherwise.
– Sol was made specific to non-gendered status in writing (and it is also equivalent to all stages between Baron and Duke)

There will not be other cultural variants. For example Jarl/Jarless will not have a Jarlx variant for non binary. The reasoning here is that gender expression and linguistic evolution happened only in the Regalian Empire, and that more complex forms of linguistic adaptation are not possible for the other cultures/languages because Regalia is “ahead of the curve” so to say. As such, those using cultural address still need to use gendered terms (or switch to Regalian standard).

Event Updates:
Changes submitted by MonMarty

Clandestine bases moving back to the city. Under the city. Under the streets. Have you found the entrance yet?

Roleplay Updates:
Changes submitted by Athelois

Over the next month, the way we gage shop activity will be changing! Instead of just line counts, we will also be doing visual checks – is your shop open during prime time? is your shop open during certain days during the week? what about certain hours? etc.

If you have any questions, please make a ticket and I will get to it when I can!



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