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We just changed how we format player names in chat and above player head.

The /friend system has been reworked. You will have to add your friends again. The new system is a one sided “favorites” system. Just add your favorite players using the /fav command. They don’t have to accept.

Use /rc

[global|local|head=show] [on|off=toggle] to manage faction relation coloring. It’s off per default.

  • /rc displays your current settings
  • /rc g toggles relation color in global chat (for an epic rainbow experience)
  • /rc l toggles relation color in local chat /the l: channel (Useful in PVP)
  • /rc h toggles relation color above player heads (Useful in PVP)

Color is chosen from the first match in this list:

  • Staff: Aqua
  • Faction Member: Lime (only when faction relation color is on)
  • Faction Ally: Purple (only when faction relation color is on)
  • Faction Truced: Pink (only when faction relation color is on)
  • Faction Enemy: Rose (only when faction relation color is on)
  • Favorite: Yellow
  • Premium: Gold
  • Default: White

The following Badges are available:

  • Favorite:
  • Staff:
  • Premium:

With relation color you can see what relation you have to a player at once based on their color. Your faction Members will be Lime, your Enemies will be red, Allies Purple etc. Those you are neutral to will be white, unless they are premium in which case they will be Gold. Staff members are always aqua.

The nickname is now displayed last above the player head instead of first. The benefit with this is we now display 2 more characters of the nickname (14 instead of 12).

Health is now displayed in percent just above the head of players.

Questions and Answers

Q: Why are premiums gold instead of lime?
A: Because your faction members are lime.

Q: Will you please revert back to the old system?
A: No, you will like the system once you get used to it <3

Q: Do you listen to improvement suggestions for the new name format?
A: Yes, please do tell us here or on the forums. Note that “#BringTheOldChatBack” is not a constructive improvement suggestion.

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  1. Ethan 2014-06-19 at 20:50

    Please remove the Premium prefix, it looks better green, alliance chat is one giant purple blur.

  2. zi_ 2014-06-19 at 20:50

    Here is my view on the chat, since colored names are just annoying:
    — Make premium and staff colors as they were and remove Premium tag
    — For faction relations add prefixes in global chats, like [E]/[A]/[T]/[N] for enemy/ally/truced/neutral, colored of course
    — And no italics
    — Favorites get their own prefix, like relations would have, {F}

  3. Draktharis 2014-06-19 at 20:54

    I don’t see the need for premium users to have both a “Premium” prefix, AND italicized names. The premium tag just takes up too much space, imo.

  4. PaineReign 2014-06-19 at 20:55

    I think that the color system should be name plates only, that way in pvp you know who’s your enemy and people don’t get disoriented reading purple-on-purple ally chat, for example

  5. Sunsh1ne901 2014-06-19 at 21:01

    1st, i’d like to say that complaining does nothing, the staff only do what they think is best for the server, they don’t want to give ‘treats and goodies’ if all people do is complain about every update. instead people should leave constructive criticism, and say what you like, what you dislike, and what you can suggest to change. I like the idea of the chat system, think of it as in alpha, it can only get better. one thing i think that could get better is the ally chat, it’s too confusing when the chat, the faction, and the name is all purple, maybe the ally chat should be changed to a different color like when help chat was changed? overall, i like it and the idea, i think it’s great for pvp, so people don’t run up and start hitting allies thinking they’re enemies, and it’s easier to spot them. I assume there will be more changes, (especially with the scoreboard bug) so just leave some constructive criticism instead of saying “wow this update sucks, the mods are doing a horrible job”

  6. Blanclour 2014-06-19 at 21:47

    The premium prefix should be removed, it takes up too much space. Colors are alright, although alliance chat does not have enough contrast now.

  7. kylecrashinhard 2014-06-19 at 21:58

    i’m ok with it but the “premium” at the front takes up alot of space

  8. Cayorion 2014-06-19 at 23:07

    We have now removed all italics and made faction relation color visible above head only.

  9. Monkgyatso 2014-06-20 at 01:39

    Just a suggestion: For some reason, having the actual IGN in parenthesis was much easier to read.

  10. Frank 2014-06-20 at 01:41

    I think having the word “premium” before the name takes up a lot of space and is cluttered, considering that the colour already indicates whether the player is premium.

  11. Frank 2014-06-20 at 02:01

    Also, I think that in the context of this server, I would much rather see the player’s roleplay name/nickname before seeing their minecraft log in name or whether they are premium, so that I know which character I’m talking to. The size limit for the name plates completely eliminates some player’s nicknames and that is the more crucial part of the name in a roleplay environment, in my opinion.
    Perhaps in lieu of the entire name being coloured, something smaller could be added beside or in front of the name. I think it would consolidate the need for indicating different statuses, such as a combination of premium, enemy, and favourite, as well as retaining the ability to have staff members’ names coloured differently.

    Sorry for not just including this in the first comment, I thought of it after I sent already.

  12. zi_ 2014-06-21 at 17:45

    I think /rc g should not work in ally and faction chat :/
    Last time I checked it did.

  13. matt 2014-07-07 at 07:57

    You guys should try to talk to mojang like some other big servers are doing

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