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Recent events have made me believe that it is necessary that I further explain punishments and processes regarding advertisement. As rule 8 states, advertising anything is against the rules on both the forum and the server. What it however does not mention, is how advertisement is seen as a capital offence against the server. We have been known to unban people for xraying and even nodus if the unban appeal with believable and sincere enough to the point where admins were convinced said person felt truly sorry for what he/she had done and would not do it again. No one who has advertised has been unbanned ever. We feel that when someone advertises on MassiveCraft, they truly don’t have any good opinions or shed of loyalty left of MassiveCraft, and only remain on the server to better themselves at the expense of others. We do not insist on loyalty at all, after all players are welcome to move between servers. We actually encourage players to seek different experiences at other servers as MassiveCraft can only guarantee one particular experience out of many. We also hope said experiences can be brought back to MassiveCraft to improve our server. What mainly concerns us however is how some people stoop so low as to abuse and mistreat something we as the staff work hard for and give love to every day to further themselves.

To further clarify on advertisement, advertisement is counted as saying any IP or URL from a server in any chat channel or forum communication method. This means global, trade, help, faction, alliance, even private chat. You are free to advertise whatever you want on skype, email or any other service not related to MassiveCraft but if you use our work and our property to further your own, you will be denied access to it for eternity. It should come to little surprise that people who advertise will never be allowed back, as we believe they do not even want to come back for the server to play, but rather to advertise some more, or cause drama.

If you still do not understand why we take advertisement so seriously, I can give a practical example. Imagine yourself eating at McDonalds every day. At some point you decide their big Mac’s taste like paper and start your own fast food chain. You have a small amount of customers however, so some day you decide to walk into the nearest McDonalds with a megaphone and you start violently screaming how McDonalds sucks and how everyone should come eat at your restaurant.

Some people might get interested in your restaurant and come take a look out of curiosity. More people will think you are being a twat for forcing your opinion and fast food chain down their throat while they are eating at McDonalds. The McDonalds staff will feel offended and probably ban you from using any of the McDonalds establishments and probably call the police on you if not press charges (at least where I come from).

Now while I highlighted advertising for other servers, I should also highlight advertising for MassiveCraft. To keep this point short, I will simply say that we do not appreciate people advertising for MassiveCraft. You will only hurt the reputation of MassiveCraft and if we discover someone is actively advertising on other servers, we will take some form of punitive action, which might possibly include a server ban. We understand if players get aggravated by people going on MassiveCraft advertising for their own server, but as sharding comes closer and more people will join MassiveCraft, the chances that this will happen more often will increase. We request our player base to simply keep a vigilant eye and report any advertisers when they are caught, and to refrain from sinking to their level.

The last point I would like to address is staff members going to other servers insulting or advertising for MassiveCraft against people who advertise on MassiveCraft as some sort of retaliatory attack. If anyone sees this happening or knows about it from second hand, please do not wait a second to report it. We keep our staff to a certain standard and code of conduct and breaching this code of conduct is a serious offence against the staff code. We will take swift action if anything of the sort is discovered.

To summarize everything, advertising on MassiveCraft will result in a permanent ban without chance of repeal, whatever your motivation for the advertisement was. Advertising for MassiveCraft or attacking others because they bash MassiveCraft is unwanted. There is nothing to gain from attacking another server, you should instead focus internally improving yourself so that people will automatically hear good things about your server instead of taking the cheap and easy route of advertisement which will do more harm then good.

I hope I fully covered all subjects properly. If there are any further questions, feel free to post them below.

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  1. desmonster 2013-04-24 at 08:59

    Hi Monz, to be totally clear (implied not stated) that pointing people to or… within massive’s own chat is NOT seen as advertising? Sorry – got to be sure.

  2. Commanderkull 2013-04-24 at 15:04

    Well monmarty not bad. However i think that players so also recieve a warning for jumping on Bobes server and screaming you suck, the server sucks ass, etc…. You might want to talk to FireSoap and Tom. I hold no grudges against any staff and i like them all, just watch their actions.


    • FireSoap 2013-04-25 at 08:36

      “You might want to talk to FireSoap”

      Oh yes let’s take it in public!

      I went there on an alternative account and joined a faction. DCSForerunner, A MODERATOR, was the leader of this faction.

      I saw her FLYING around claiming land and building it with MODERATOR tools.

      I then asked if it was ok, and if she could do that for normal players. She was like “Yea, but only for my private stuff – I cannot do this for players” ” I’ts ok because I’m a mod”

      I for one never talked “shit” about the server.

      I was then warned not to talk about her abusing her powers.

      I logged on as FireSoap and revealed myself and they were like” Oh noo sorry I was rude towards you”

      So your mod: Abuse powers Hardcore, is rude towards new random players.

      So good luck with that, I see your teams points when it’s been said that the MC team is “shit, lazy and abusive”.
      And really, dont try to recruit members of our team to code for you, that’s simply shamefull.

  3. Sevrish 2013-04-24 at 16:15

    I have on occasion contacted other server’s staff when one of their members tries to advertise on MassiveCraft.

  4. Favoured 2013-04-24 at 19:01

    What about getting some friends on massive together to go on a hunger games or minigame server? I remember some controversy over this when Bee got banned.

  5. Xanderab 2013-04-25 at 00:01

    Does it count as advertising if we advertise our faction forum on the Massivecraft forums for members of our faction?

    • Overlordqwerty 2013-05-02 at 06:42

      What if we talk about a forum we have created for our faction/empire that is separate to the massivecraft forum?

  6. Daeconix 2013-04-25 at 00:18

    I was banned for sprint hacking. I have no idea what the heck that is. I want to play massive craft again. I swear to whatever force god or anything you believe in that I did not do sprint hack let alone know what it is. Minecraftspartan said I was doing sprint hack and he had screen shots of it. He said he was going to put a ban request on the forums but I told him all of this but he couldn,t hear me. Please get rid of the ban I want to play.

    • Daeconix 2013-05-04 at 13:48

      Sorry I didn’t know where to post an appeal

  7. Massivecraft member 2013-04-25 at 05:49

    There is one question i have. Where do you draw the line between advertising or simply friend to friend confesation on wat server we go to play? yes there are other methods to ask outside of the massivcraft chat system, But unfortunatly you must understand not everyone is blessed with that. I agree that when you use private chat to randomly tell people to go to a surtant IP it would count as advertising. But in my case i have this server i got to for creative purposes. (due to massivecraft not having creative function) I would like members of my faction to go and see wat i make so we can build it on massivecraft. So putting a sign hidden within my base with the Ip only vissable to my members with ofcource reasons to build the best stuff we can on massivecraft still count as advertising?
    (occasionaly use private chat to help members get the Ip right)

  8. Dragonwaz 2013-04-25 at 05:57


    • MonMarty 2013-04-25 at 10:55

      She was also pardoned because her private server was never launched, she semi advertised a server that never came into existence.

  9. Seng2000 2013-04-25 at 14:25

    i Wanna unban.But its not working.All time admins say no to unban

  10. Seng2000 2013-04-25 at 16:12

    If admin say you cant do unban to months. but can i do now?

    • gridiron1024 2013-04-26 at 00:57

      go appeal on the forums, dont whine here.

  11. yendor46 2013-04-25 at 23:29

    I was wondering how the staff see faction communication going in the future. Faction forums have been deleted, with the advise that each faction set up their own system on a 3rd party server. As per this post, the posting of the address of this 3rd party system is an automatic permanent ban, and I assume mentioning it on teamspeak would have the same consequences. There has been mention of using skype, but I do not want to, and it is inappropriate to, share my irl contact info with all faction members. Does the staff have some suggestions (that maintain some semblance of internet security), or is your suggestion to only interact on massivecraft with people you know irl (my present lonely situation).

    • gridiron1024 2013-04-26 at 00:59

      you could always make a separate skype account for gaming and for irl stuff

    • Dragonwaz 2013-04-26 at 02:39

      true, if they seriously are telling you you can’t tell your faction members the faction forum link after they made it so that that’s the only way to connect, the term that comes to mind is “off their rockers” I would hope that they made an exception in this case or at least have an appropriate place on the forums to pass on such info.

  12. desmonster 2013-04-28 at 09:52

    Monz, it is customary to note the texture pack used in the “description” of any MC Youtube vids.. however… it seems that if I was to state that the texture pack I’m using is sourced from Massive would be in violation of the rules being discussed here… yes?

  13. Nashor 2013-05-26 at 00:18

    “We have been known to unban people for xraying and even nodus if the unban appeal with believable and sincere enough to the point where admins were convinced said person felt truly sorry for what he/she had done and would not do it again.”

    Seems legit.

    • mutination17 2013-05-26 at 00:23

      Massivecraft obviously are a very honest and understanding group of people, that just want to make a good server and currently have no lag on their server.

      • mutination17 2013-05-26 at 00:24
      • mutination17 2013-05-26 at 00:25

        / sarcasm

  14. Le_Chatelier 2014-01-29 at 07:33

    I know this question was asked above but it was never directly answered. I have a faction forum on guildlaunch. It is so I don’t have to repeat our faction rules, guidelines, building projects, and officer application stuff over and over and over and…. It’s purpose is to enhance communication so people don’t leave massivecraft. It is also so I can have a log history of member requests or raids without needing to always have skype open on my phone or computer. I don’t run around advertising this site, but when new members join our faction I ask them to please join our faction forum, read the rules, and apply to join one of our guilds. Is this bannable? It is on massivecraft, about massivecraft, and for massivecraft. It really does help keep our members active in our faction and on the server. Thanks!

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