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The date for the removal of Ceardia is now set. A countdown widget has been added to the website. On a sidenote Prospera, the old trading center in the world Daendroc, is going to be removed as well.

Remember to collect any items you still have there. We will not offer Ceardia as a downloadable map.

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  1. Zanip 2013-04-13 at 19:37

    Would it be legal to use World Downloader Mod to download our builds to play on singleplayer? I have lived in my tower for over a year and would like to keep it on singleplayer for the memories.

    • Cayorion 2013-04-13 at 19:52

      Yeah that is all OK as long as it’s your own building and not Regalia or someone elses build they want to keep to themselves.

      • Zanip 2013-04-13 at 20:54

        OK, thanks!

      • Overlordqwerty 2013-04-14 at 05:28

        Can you actually tell if we have used world downloader?

        • j3r3my 2013-04-18 at 17:31

          No :)

  2. LeafMC 2013-04-13 at 22:51

    What will become of SilverEdge? Or MrsBaver’s tomb, for that matter?

  3. Teseran 2013-04-14 at 13:49

    My home … :(

  4. hiu403 2013-04-14 at 14:29

    so all factions and buildings will be removed if they are located in Ceardia? Does that include north siveredge, and if it does what can I do to transport my faction’s home?

    • igel_son 2013-04-14 at 15:29

      Yes, when you remove a world all that is in it will be gone.

  5. Grimst 2013-04-14 at 14:29

    I thought you said you were NOT going to remove ceardia…

    • igel_son 2013-04-14 at 15:30

      Since august last year we have said that the world is gonna be phased out in time.

  6. Im00ownu 2013-04-15 at 00:38

    Finally! So much lag removed!

    • Cayorion 2013-04-15 at 06:24

      Removing Ceardia will, to my knowledge, probably effect neither server TPS nor your internet connection latency.

  7. outsiderx2 2013-04-15 at 01:32

    I knew this day would come but thankfully I was able to get the map using World Downloader and keep important parts (White Lotus, Alamut, Silver Edge, Aegyptus). I’ve had great fun fixing them up in Single Player and playing in the world with a few mods. Any special events planned or is it just going to be wiped?? If there is going to be something special I’d like for it to be recorded.

    • redsunfight 2013-04-15 at 13:09

      anyone remember that meteor-crashing build someone did a while back? i’d love to see some kind of mass destruction. the land opening up, swallowing whole cities, build a huge tornado out of ice/whitewool/etc with a path of chaos behind it, a huge tidal wave…. that’d be so great. make a movie trailer out of it.

  8. SiennaReborn21 2013-04-15 at 06:16

    I feel like this could end up making MrsBaver really angry, now that her tomb has been destroyed along with the rest of Ceardia. :P

  9. Batmanfive 2013-04-16 at 18:05

    -Sigh- So long, Ceardia… Thanks for all the memories, old friend…

  10. harshsparrow 2013-04-17 at 13:08

    My fav world is going away! D:

  11. Zaonort 2013-04-17 at 20:07

    :( I’ll miss Ceardia

  12. darkev9001 2013-04-20 at 15:09

    i’m not sad for the removal, i’m sad that now i have to move my base (which is now more or less a few houses when everyone left trigent…)

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